
Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center

Where you can receive helpful therapies, or be treained for a career in natural health modalities.

Herbs for Healing

Excellent source of herbal teas for many diseases.

Charcoal Source

Great resource for activated charcoal and information on how it is used in health and healing.

Discover Online School

Resource for better understanding of the Bible as you grow in your understanding of true healing.

Sun Country Gardens

The key to good health is good food. Growing your own can be arewarding experience.

Berea Gardens Agriculture Training Ministries

Resource for achieving better results in growing your own garden for food.

A Chapter A Day For Inspiration

Keep the Bible ever in mind, a resource for spiritual growth.

Bible study and Training

You can memorize the Bible, this resource can make it happen.

Wellness Secrets

Need a sanitarium, Wellness Secrets has excellent state of the art equipment and facilities.

Natural Bulk Foods

Food delivered to your door step.

Tired of Hell?

Discover the real truth about hell and what is in your eternal destiny.

What if death is inevitable?

If you disease is incurable, what next? This website can help.

Black Hills Health and Education Center

Beautiful campus in the hills of South Dakota.


Videos by Dr Clark.

Conference Call Topics From Dr. Clark

Audio topics you can download and listen to.

Zoom International Prophecy School: Health and its Preservation.

On going online presentations saved on a youtube channel.

Study your Bible!

Ministry of Health

Quo Vadis TV programs